34-Abigail Myers and Mason Wright are Two Students Urging You to Include Squats and Push Ups in your Curriculum

Abigail Myers and Mason Wright

Abigail Myers and Mason Wright

In 2014, my book You’ve Gotta Connect, which gives teachers tools to forge strong relationships with students, was published. I promote that teachers be approachable and then inject some enjoyment into their courses. This hack will succeed on both counts!

On a recent commute to school, I came up with the hairbrained scheme of pulling my students into one of my ridiculous weekend body weight workout challenges. In order that we could all keep tabs on one another, we utilized Voxer…the 21st Century walkie-talkie.


This program will tell the story of this AMAZING classroom adventure through the stories of two remarkable high school seniors…Abigail Myers and Mason Wright. Please give a listen and give a weekend challenge of some sort of activity…it certainly doesn’t have to be physical, a try.

Episode Template

The Problem:

Your class needs a little levity.

The Solution:

Issue a weekend challenge and keep tabs on one another on social media.

What you can do tomorrow:

  1. Concoct a weekend challenge that will inspire a majority of your kids
  2. Determine which social media you’ll utilize to keep track of progress

This bonding activity will not take one moment away from instruction. Forge bonds, inject fun, and watch joyously as those stronger relationships translate to student growth.

Listen to “34-Abigail Myers and Mason Wright are Two Students Urging You to Include Squats and Pushups in your Curriculum” on Spreaker.