36-Students Caroline Gose and Simon Srisongkham Explain how to Build Student Allegiance

When your students are asked to describe themselves….wouldn’t it be cool if they replied, “I’m a proud member of Mr. Sturtevant’s class!” Two awesome students Caroline Gose and Simon Srisongkham are going to explain why this is important and how you might create such a dynamic.


Caroline Gose and Simon Srisongkahm

Caroline Gose and Simon Srisongkahm


Episode Template

The Problem:

Students don’t identify with your class.

The Solution:

Build student allegiance.

What you can do tomorrow:

  • Challenge students to come up with a unique name for your course.
  • Challenge students to come up with a unique logo design for your course.
  • Consider ways to utilize a class name and logo design.
  • Investigate the potential of creating class shirts.

Challenge your students to create a class name and a class design. Vigorously promote this identity and bond students to your class.

Listen to “36-Students Caroline Gose and Simon Srisongkham Explain how to Build Student Allegiance” on Spreaker.