109-Adventures in Standards-Based Learning…Starring Mark Robinson

I remember 10th-grade Geometry. I was quite a distracted high schooler. And to accentuate this problem…I was a total humanities guy. Math class was more of a social opportunity as opposed to an academic endeavor. Consequently, I was totally lost. I had virtually no idea what was going on. Unfortunately, there are a lot of kids in Math classes today who resemble the 15-year-old me.

So at this juncture of our journey, Mark Robinson enters the fray.

Mark and his lovely wife Amy markrobinson@bwls.net

Mark is a fabulous Math teacher who embarked this fall on a Standards-Based Learning journey. Standards-Based Learning is a powerful wave that’s churning on education’s horizon. Mark stops into today to talk about what it is, how it works and evaluates its effectiveness. The 15-year-old James Sturtevant would have thrived with a teacher like Mark.

Unlike other episodes, there is not a What you can do Tomorrow section. I simply don’t know enough about this concept to create one. Instead, I’ll encourage you to approach your principal and plan a visit to watch it action!

Here is the Math hashtag that Mark promotes #MTBOS

Listen to “109-Adventures in Standards-Based Learning…Starring Mark Robinson” on Spreaker.