Summer vacation is getting long in the tooth. A number of years ago, I would’ve been staring down the calendar because football practice starts next week in Ohio. It’s sad to see summer wane, but it is what we do for a living. And, even though it’s hard to go back, as soon as you step in front of those students—it just feels right.
Today, I’m going to give you a magnificent idea for the first day of school. I’m teaching a brand new class this fall. It’s EDUC 313 Curriculum and Design. I’m determined to engage my 3rd and 4th year students right out of the chutes. I’m also determined to demonstrate to them how they can start creating an outstanding learning environment once they become the teachers in the very near future. I want to read from the Ohio Teacher Evaluation Rubric. This is under the domain Classroom Environment. To score accomplished on the rubric, you had to do the following:
The teacher and students have collaboratively established consistent use of routines, procedures and transitions that are effective in maximizing instructional time. On-task behavior is evident and ensured by students. Students initiate responsibility for effective operation of the classroom.
I think this is a great objective. Congratulations Ohio. I’m going to certainly attempt to do that starting on Day 1. I’m going to draw inspiration from the British Isles and 807 years ago. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in 1215. By doing so, he became a monarch whose power was limited. He agreed to certain demands of his nobles in the process. Since then, the United Kingdom has been a beacon of good government. I had a pretty rugged Biology teacher in high school. On the first day, he informed us that the class was not a democracy and he was a benevolent dictator. Certainly, there’s a middle ground. I’m guessing that Magna Carta Jigsaw lesson will inspire you!
5 Important Links:
- Ep.1-Classroom Procedures Night at the Improv
- Link to the Magna Carta Jigsaw Lesson
- Compelling Dilemmas
- Google Slide Presentation
- Magna Carta Google Form
What you can do Tomorrow Section:
- Read your state’s teacher standards for Classroom Environment.
- Read the Magna Carta Jigsaw Activity Lesson Plan.
- Create rational sides to classroom procedures dilemmas.
- Formulate your cohorts based on the number of dilemmas.
- Create your Google slides and your Magna Carta Google Form.
- Be prepared to collaborate with dissenting students.
Teacher evaluation rubrics can be intimidating. But maybe, you can embrace various aspects of these rubrics throughout the year. There’s the potential that by embracing the rubric, not just during evaluation period, could significantly enhance the learning experience for your students.
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