97-The Virtual Gallery Walk Compliments of Screencastify

Student videos started to get on my nerves. It was the same thing over and over. The kids put most of their efforts into making them funny and violent. The videos seemed more slapstick than expressive.

I retooled the way kids create videos and the results have been spectacular. This episode is about HOW I have my students do this and HOW they present their work to one another. Episode 44 is about student presentations via the gallery walk. In this program, I’m going to promote the idea of creating a virtual gallery walk. I was impressed a couple of years ago when I had my kids take a virtual tour of the Caves of Lascaux.  I remember thinking…Wouldn’t it be cool if my kids could create a virtual exhibit?

My students mastered this challenge with the help of Google Slides and wonderful screen recorder called Screencastify.


Building off the ideas Jason Connally proposed in Episode 96, students built a 1-2 minute video with Screencastify, uploaded it to YouTube, and then placed a link on a Google Doc which acts like a landing page. This landing page then became the virtual museum. On exhibition day, students wandered from exhibit to exhibit and learned from their classmates…all in a virtual fashion!

Episode Template

The Problem:

Student videos need a makeover.

The Solution:

Utilize Google Slides and Screencastify.

What you can do Tomorrow:

  • Create a prompt for kids such as have students describe a concept, place it context, and then determine its significance.
  • Have students build a Google Slide presentation that is image rich and text poor. 4-5 slides is perfect!
  • Direct students to craft a script that tells a story about the compelling images on the presentation.
  • Have kids utilize the Screencastify addon to record their desktop as they tell a great story.
  • Students then upload the video to YouTube.
  • The last step is for kids to put the link on a Google Doc which acts like a landing page. This landing page will be the virtual museum.

Take your student’s video presentations to a whole new level!

Listen to “97-The Virtual Gallery Walk Compliments of Screencastify” on Spreaker.