The best thing about social media is that it keeps you connected with significant people. It’s kept me connected to many former students. I’m going to talk to one today. Ty DeLong was a student in my Economics class almost 2 decades ago. Ty lives in Nashville. He’s a software engineer. He’s a devoted husband and father. I’m really proud of him.
A few years back, I ran into Ty’s parents at a local store. My wife and I caught up on the doings of Ty and his siblings, but at one point in the convo, his parents mentioned the positive impact of a lesson from my class on Ty’s life. WOW–that thrilled me.
Today’s episode is going to be on that lesson, why and how it impacted Ty, and the incredible responsibility and potential for every educator whenever the bell rings each period and each day.
Episode Template:
The Problem: Teachers sometimes forget the potential for each lesson.
The Solution: Each period, before you utter your first word, keep in mind the potential legacy of the lesson.
What you can do Tomorrow:
1. Make a list of intense learning experiences that impacted you. Evaluate what it was about these experiences that caused great impact.
2. Make a list of lessons that former students have complimented you upon. Evaluate that lesson. Why do you think it made an impact?
3. And finally, evaluate tomorrow’s lesson. Are there any adjustment’s that you could make which could improve its legacy
Teaching is a powerful job. You may be totally unaware of the impact you’re having. Just make certain, that when someone walks up to you decades later and reminisces about your class, that it’s a positive memory.
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