It’s sad to hear reports of so many educators becoming discouraged. Some are considering leaving the profession. If that’s you, or you have a friend or colleague who’s struggling, you selected the right podcast.
In the last episode I interviewed Jim Mahoney and we addressed this theme of the teacher exodus. I feel so passionately about this topic that I decided to dedicate an entire episode to it and I have the perfect guest.
Michale Brilla made a move from classroom instruction to technology coach in 2019. Last year, he was given the option to stay in that role or return to the classroom. He obviously chose the latter and this episode is why he opted to return, everything he missed in exile, and what his triumphant renaissance has been like. This is an important episode. Please consider Michael’s compelling message as you go through your evaluation.
What you can do Tomorrow:
If you’re an educator trying to figure out whether you should stay in the classroom, you’ve probably done a lot of evaluation. But, how much have you interviewed others who know you? Make certain to interrogate family, friends, colleagues, administrators, and even trusted students. Ask them what they think of you retiring and then be prepared to listen. You may learn interesting things about yourself.
Please remember that in a long teaching career that you are going to have dry spells. Everyone goes through this. Please just make these important decisions objectively.
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